Monday, 3 June 2013


Yesterday I was thinking about the confusion that people often face regarding what they want versus what they need,along with what is expected of them.It is always a bit difficult to fight between what we want do and what we are bound to do.The "tension of opposites" is this tension of the choices a human has to make at all stages of his/her life.For example,a person wants a simple life in a village without the luxuries of the world,and on the other hand,his mom expects you to score well and be highly educated.So the person is pulled between what is wanted and what is expected.He is like lying in the middle of an invisible rubberband and is being pulled from both the sides.Often,he ends up doing what is expected,ruining his life along with other's.As referred in the book "Tuesdays With Morrie",this is indeed a wrestling match,where no one knows which side will win.
Doing the expected deed is not the very best choice.You will never be satisfied with yourself,as it is not something you dreamed of.People often find themselves to be strangers after landing on a site they never thought of.They forget who they are,or were and lead a confused ,materialistic and soulless lives.
Talking about the winning side,I must give you a hint.It's love that always wins.When you love something and you are really crazy about that thing,then no one can stop you from getting it,along with a perfect life.I mean love,and not just a bit of deviation,for it will leave you stranded in the middle of the rubberband,never moving on and never finding an answer.
So,taking it as a route to your dream life,try to seek what you want and not what you think is appropriate according to the world.

source:- "Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom

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